Restoring Lost Biblical Truths

Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg is the Founder and Senior Pastor Trinidad Christian Center (TCC), established in May 1980 as the first Independent, Evangelical, Full-Gospel church in Trinidad and Tobago.

Restoring Lost
Biblical Truths

Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg is the Founder and Senior Pastor Trinidad Christian Center
(TCC), established in May 1980 as the first Independent, Evangelical, Full-Gospel church
in Trinidad and Tobago.

Restoring Lost
Biblical Truths

Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg is the Founder and Senior Pastor Trinidad Christian Center
(TCC), established in May 1980 as the first Independent, Evangelical, Full-Gospel church
in Trinidad and Tobago.


Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg and the TCC Family extend a heartfelt welcome to first-time visitors at either of our two locations. Here, you can connect with our Welcome Team and dedicated Staff while immersing yourself in a meaningful worship experience and engaging with the Word. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet you!
Whether you're visiting for the first time or seeking a new place of worship, we're pleased to have you here! The TCC Family is a diverse and welcoming community where you can grow in your faith, connect with others, experience the joy of fellowship, and find a place to belong.
We have engaging programs for children and youth that offer a safe and fun environment for them to learn and grow in their faith. Also, explore our various groups and events designed to help you connect with others and enhance your love and intimacy for Jesus within the church family.
Life is a journey and there is space for grace and growth at every step. Whether you are a first-time visitor, considering volunteering, ministry groups, or baptism, there is a place for you here. Who you are or where you are from does not matter. The TCC Family is excited about the future God has in store for you and your family. Ready to plan a visit?


Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg

Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Trinidad Christian Center (TCC), established in May 1980, the Founder and Director of Apostolic Renewal Ministries, launched in February 2012, and the Founder and Director of Austin de Bourg Foundation for Human Advancement, established in 2014.

A man raised in God from childhood, his ministry spans over 47 years from Evangelist (from 1977) to Pastor (from 1980) to Apostle (from 2000) and is based on intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. His full-time ministry began with a revival that radically affected the spiritual state of the church in Trinidad and Tobago; many were saved, healed, delivered, set free, and equipped for ministry.
Today he carries the fires of revival and the torch of God’s testimony worldwide, where he trains, equips, and mentors ministers for the work of the Kingdom. He is motivated by an unquenchable passion for seeing the church restored to her former apostolic glory and is burdened to restore lost biblical truths and revive biblical Christianity.

Author of several revelatory books and honorary doctorates, including a Doctor of Divinity, he is considered a true Apostle and father of the Christian faith. His ministry and teachings have impacted thousands, and he continues to affect lives and bring change wherever the Lord sends him.

Visit Apostolic Renewal Ministries here.


Watch Messages and Read Books by Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Through his intimacy with the Trinity, Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg has received the revelation in his books and messages. His life and ministry demonstrate the nature and characteristics of faithful apostolic ministry. Many consider him a father in the faith, and God has sent him to many nations of the world to equip, train, and empower ministers.
What is commonly accepted as “the church of Jesus Christ” today is far removed from what Jesus Christ himself calls His Church. Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg is called to restore the truths that Satan has stolen from the Church of Jesus Christ. These books are vital resources for anyone who desires truth and whose heart is to know and do the will of God.

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There are various ways to engage and be a part of this faith journey, and finding support in a secure Christian community can greatly assist you in navigating it. The TCC Family warmly welcomes you to get involved by joining our ministries, contributing to community projects, and more.

2 Locations + ONLINE = 1 TCC family.

The TCC Family is a diverse community, representing people from all walks of life around the world. In the spirit of unity, we draw inspiration from Ephesians 4:5-6 (KJV), which states, "(v.5) One Lord, one faith, one baptism. (v.6) One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."

Petit Valley

Join us for TCC's upcoming services at our main location, situated at the intersection of Morne Coco and Simeon Roads, Petit Valley. Weekly services commence as follows - Sunday Services at 8am and 6pm, Monday Corporate Prayer at 6:30pm, Tuesday Bible Study at 6:30pm, Wednesday Evangelistic Prayer at 6:30pm (every other week), and our Friday Service at 7pm. Navigate directions now here.

Sangre Grande

Or join us for TCC's upcoming services at our Sangre Grande secondary location, situated at L.P. #979, Eastern Main Road, Sanger Chiquito. Weekly services commence as follows - Sunday Service at 8am and Monday Corporate Prayer at 6:30pm. Navigate directions now here.


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