The Early Years
With just five members, the ministry started with a revival which lasted for five years and people from all over the twin-island Republic came and experienced God. Many were healed, delivered and set free. This was the beginning of a new move of God in Trinidad and Tobago.

The First of Its Kind

Trinidad Christian Center, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ is the very first Independent, Full-Gospel Church to be established in Trinidad and Tobago and has pioneered the Independent Full-Gospel Movement on the island. To date there are over 300 such churches and there are few believers in this nation who have not been touched directly or indirectly by this ministry.

An Apostolic Ministry
Trinidad Christian Center is an apostolic ministry headed by Apostle Dr Austin J de Bourg who was appointed to the office of the Apostle by his covering Bishop, Don Meares in the year 2000. We are called to restore lost biblical truths and revive biblical Christianity. In February of 2012, we launched Apostolic Renewal Ministries which functions under the umbrella of Trinidad Christian Center with its principle purpose of rekindling the apostolic spirit and ministry as Jesus Christ ordained it.
Our Growth
Trinidad Christian Center with local branches in Petit Valley in the western part of the nation and Sangre Grande, a district in the east, has grown rapidly over the years despite many challenges. This ministry has won thousands for Christ and has been responsible for training and equipping men and women to be effective in the Kingdom of God.
Petit Valley

Sangre Grande

Our Reach
Our reach extends far beyond our island’s shores to other parts of the Caribbean, Canada, USA, Europe, Africa and India through humanitarian projects and ministerial training programmes.


