Insights Into The Mystery of the Trinity

Author: Apostle Dr. Austin J. de Bourg

Why would the Almighty God need a Son and a Holy Spirit? Is He lacking in Himself? Why would such a good and perfect God make such a bad devil? How could Jesus Christ be God and Man at the same time?

In his simple, yet compelling style author, Austin de Bourg answers these questions and more as he sheds light on the perplexing and often misunderstood biblical truths regarding the Trinity, Jesus Christ, and Christianity. This book not only informs, but inspires and equips Christians to understand their part in advancing the Kingdom of God to which they are called. It gives the biblical basis for their Christian faith, laying the necessary foundation to help believers to solidify their faith which is desperately needed in this hour. In Insights into the Mystery of the Trinity, author, Austin de Bourg, one who has spent his entire life developing a deep, intimate relationship with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, encourages the reader to do the same. He, not only explains the importance and necessity of intimacy with the Trinity, but gives the practical steps to achieve and maintain it. Through the pages of this book, the author takes you on an insightful journey that ventures into the spiritual dimension where God exists. Its profound contents span from eternity to Pentecost and beyond, unfolding the saga of the Trinity’s successful quest to restore man from his fallen state back into relationship, fellowship, and dialogue with God. As you read, you will discover other priceless treasures hidden in the heart and mind of God which were kept secret by God…until now.