Misplaced Righteousness
Man’s righteousness is not God’s righteousness.
Discover the difference in this book! Misplaced Righteousness addresses the distortion of the biblical truth of Righteousness and in the process, clearly proves that: GOD TAKES NO PART IN RELIGION and its man-made doctrines.
There is a multiplicity of interpretations of the biblical doctrine of righteousness by the many religious brands of the Christian faith. Each brand presents its particular interpretation with conviction that theirs is right and the others are wrong. How then can we know what is true righteousness? With the introduction of ecclesiasticism, commercialism, humanism, and modernism into Christianity, God’s righteousness has been replaced by man’s righteousness—unawares. This easy- to- grasp teaching enlightens the reader, from the word of God, on what is God’s righteousness and how it differs from what man calls righteousness. It points out the error and dangers of man’s private interpretation on this and other doctrines. It shows, with simplicity and clarity how to attain to God’s righteousness. The author applies the method God has given us in His word to arrive at godly knowledge and sound doctrine. It is only by doing so, we will be able to recover the truths that would bring us back in right standing with God and take us off the path that has caused confusion and disillusionment to Christians and non-Christians and a drifting away from the faith.