Communion: Addressing Wrong Christian Teaching
Know the Truth - Communion
Know the Truth is a four-volume series based entirely on the word of God which addresses wrong Christian teaching on four fundamental doctrines: Saints, Communion, The Church, and Praying versus Saying Prayers.
Is communion some mystical practice inferring that we eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus?
Is it just an act of simply reminiscing about Christ?
Why did Jesus Christ institute Communion?
The answers to these questions are contained in this amazing little book as author Austin de Bourg takes you on a voyage through the scriptures to discover the significance of Communion and the extraordinary benefits of this ordinance.
This second volume of Know the Truth helps you to grasp the very heart and spirit of the Communion and you will discover that it is so much more than just a ritualistic religious act.
As you begin to understand, through this simple teaching, why Jesus purposefully instituted the Communion you will come to realize just how strong a testimony it is of His persistent love and desire to keep us united with Him and each other.